Best Artificial Grass Installations in Colfax, California

The Perfect Lawn for An Active Family in Colfax!

Artificial grass gave them the lawn that was impossible to install

A photo of a stunning transformation from bark and dirt to this lush ever green artificial grass lawn just off the deck of a pool in the Sierra Foothills.Nestled in the pine forests of Colfax, CA this active family installed 900 SF of our TuFFGrass artificial turf “Spring Style” of around an elevated in-ground pool.

The family was struggling with a bark mulch prior to their new artificial grass lawn.  Bark, pool side, isn’t ideal – especially with two large active dogs!

Trying to enjoy the pool without a stable surface was also challenging so artificial grass was the perfect solution!  The area was cleared of the bark, graded and our under layment fabrics were installed.  Then a average layer of approximately 4-6 inches of Class II Roadbase, feathered to level, compacted and detailed was installed on top of the fabrics.  Then the artificial grass materials were fitted and installed, seamed, trimmed and infilled to perfection!

Please take a couple of minutes and view our 3 minute video of the actual build of this project!

How we install artificial grass is now an industry standard.

We always use local vendors and products made in the USA!

Puppies Paradise In the Pines

Solve your K9 lawn problems with an evergreen, lush artificial grass lawn from TuFFGrass!

Another neighbor in Colfax, CA that we helped give an awesome play area to lives in the same conifer forest.  A big priority for them was a beautiful and safe area for their two large dogs, and the tons of family and friends that enjoy their home and yard all year long!  Artificial grass drains so fast, it’s excellent for rural properties in the Sierra Foothills where rain and snow are often on the horizon!

Added layers of rodent control mesh, use of thick layer of cleaned crushed mine rock as well as our standard underlayment fabrics will protect the large expanse from settling and invasive bugs, weeds, roots and RODENTS!

This will last this active family into the next generation and we are so proud to have been one of the final steps in their home improvements and enhancements.

They finally gave up trying to get their 3000 SF lawn to grow, let alone thrive. Across the back of this beautiful rural home, is a broad expanse of area ideal for family events, corn hole, active dog play and just beauty!

Dust and dirt, weeds and rodents were all issues!  The amazing renovation of the area included re-leveling the area to deliver the family a large, level area of artificial grass lawn that solved all this!

A photo of a rural Colfax, CA backyard after a new weeping retaining wall has been installed waiting for it's artificial grass solution!On the down hill slope, a new “weeping” retaining wall was built which left dramatic elevation differences between the back patio concrete and the top of the new wall. The goal of the area was to extend area where the family could entertain and their German Shepherd dogs would be free to frolic and play; rain or shine.

To deliver the best solution, cleaned 3/4″ crushed blue mine rock was added to bring up the grade.  After our under layment was installed through out the area where artificial grasses would be installed – we feathered in over 60 yards of Class II Roadbase from 4 to over 6 inches.

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We’re Home Grown & Locally Owned

Our experience delivers an amazing project for you!

Call us at 916-741-3396 or 530-432-8175

Artificial grass installations in Nevada City, Grass Valley,
Penn Valley
, Auburn, Colfax, Rocklin, Roseville,
Granite Bay, Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Sacramento, Lincoln